About Us

Find out more about the people behind SAS.

Sensory Activation Solutions (SAS) is the brainwave of Steven Michaëlis and is the culmination of over 50 years of research relating to how we learn and how we can be more effective in life. The methodology and programmes are developed and researched in the U.K., The Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and Cyprus and are being used by individuals, families and schools throughout the world.

An international team of knowledgeable, experienced and creative people form the backbone of the SAS organisation. Their commitment to finding the right solutions and to providing the very best service is matched to a holistic and caring attitude where the client always comes first.

Steven Michaëlis | Founder Sensory Activation Solutions

Steven Michaëlis

Steven Michaëlis is the originator of the SAS methodology and founder of SAS Organisation. He is a highly experienced counsellor, conference presenter and expert in neuro-acoustics and human auditory perception. He specialises in sensory activation techniques that help the brain to processes information more effectively and that stimulate inter-hemispheric synchronisation.

Steven got interested in sound recording when he received a reel-to-reel tape recorder for his 15th birthday. As he was already involved in the organisation of a local youth club, he used the equipment to record live bands, including an early Pink Floyd performance. He designed his own little mixing desk and made microphones out of dictating machines spares. Not surprisingly Steven went on to study electronics and at the same time founded an electronic equipment import and distribution company in Holland. Having completed a sound engineering course in the USA, he expanded into studio design and record production.

At the age of 25 Steven moved to England to pursue a career with a leading British sound equipment design organisation. This brought him into contact with leading acoustics companies in Europe, the USA and Far East and expanded his knowledge of human auditory perception and formal testing procedures. In his early thirties he joined the Japanese consumer electronics giant JVC and travelled extensively throughout the world, networking with innovators and researchers working in the field of sound processing and early computer technologies.

In the eighties Steven embarked on a parallel career in counselling and parenting skills and was involved in the establishment of the first national parenting organisation in the UK. He ran many parenting and relationship classes for parents and couples expecting their first baby, guiding them through this life-changing period. He was trained by leading child-development experts from Europe, the USA and Australasia and he eventually became a certified group counsellor and master-trainer.

At the same time Steven also got interested in methods that stimulate faster and better learning. This included the use of baroque music, breathing techniques and suggestive language. He was actively involved in organising a number of international conferences on the subject and met many of the leading innovators in the field.

The development of the SAS methodology can be traced back to the wide ranging knowledge and experience Steven acquired during the last 55 years. Combining his knowledge of human auditory perception with the latest findings in neuro-plasticity and using the latest computer technology to alter music and speech in ways that were not possible until recently, has resulted in the extraordinarily effective SAS methodology that helps children and adults to perform better in life.

Kaśka Gozdek-Michaëlis | Founding Partner and Psychotherapist SAS International

Kaśka Gozdek-Michaëlis

Kaśka Michaëlis is an inter-faith, cross-cultural lecturer, writer, psychotherapist and life-coach with over 40 years experience. She gained a Master Degree in Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Her passion has always been education in the widest sense of the word and she is a life-long student and seeker of knowledge and truth herself.

For many years Kaśka Michaëlis has lectured and given workshops at colleges and universities in the U.K. on subjects ranging from counselling and communication skills to accelerated learning techniques, assertiveness training and courses for women returners. She also has facilitated parenting and parents-to-be courses for both parents and educational professionals. Kaśka Michaëlis is the author of two books in Polish, 'Develop your genius mind' and 'Super-possibilities of your mind' in which she presents a picture of a new style of education that encourages the learner to understand his or her own thought processes and emotional make up. This leads to greater control over the mind, body and spirit and allows the student to be much more effective and a happier person.

Kaśka Michaëlis offers her counselling, psychotherapy and coaching services to clients throughout the world in either English or Polish.

Prof. Dr. Şükrü Torun | Chief Scientific Advisor to the SAS Organisation

Prof. Dr. Şükrü Torun | Chief Scientific Advisor to the SAS Organisation

Neurologist and Music Therapist Prof. Dr. Şükrü Torun is a faculty member at Anadolu University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Language and Speech Therapy. In addition to being a member of the Dementia-Behavioural Neurology, Quality of Life and Neurorehabilitation working groups of the Turkish Neurology Association and the World Music Therapy Federation, Dr. also serves in the Scientific Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey. Torun is the founder of Türkiye's first Ministry of Health approved Music Therapy Unit located in Eskisehir.

Prof. Dr. Şükrü Torun currently continues his research on language-brain-music and his neurocreative music therapy studies, which address evidence-based music therapy methods for sensorimotor, cognitive, social and psychological disorders with a neurophenomenological approach, in his unit at Anadolu University Turkish World Application and Research Center.

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